遠隔授業の受信環境整備に係る支援事業について Support projects to improve reception environment for distance learning

We accept applications for the following two projects aiming at supporting students who do not have or cannot use personal computers and communication devices to take distance classes.

1.遠隔授業の受信環境整備に係る緊急無利子貸与奨学金 ※募集終了しました
Emergency interest-free scholarship loan for improving reception environment for distance learning

◆支援対象者? Eligible persons
Students who do not possess or do not have access to computers and communication equipment in order to take remote classes and who purchase this kind of equipment after August 1.
Concurrent application for the “Free lending of communication equipment related to the improvement of reception environment for distance learning” is allowed; however, the free lending of communication equipment and the loan scholarship for costs related to communication equipment are not available at the same time.

◆申請期間 ?Application period
  8月7日(金)~8月31日(月)17時必着? ※募集終了しました
?  August 7(Fri)~ August?31 (Mon) Not later than 5:00pm
◆募集要項 Application Guidelines

◆申請書類 Application Form
?申請書(別紙様式1)(日本語(WORD?PDF)/ English(WORD?PDF))

Free lending of communication equipment related to the improvement of reception environment for distance learning

◆支援対象者 Eligible persons
Students who, due to financial reasons, do not possess or cannot use communication equipment in order to take distance classes. Concurrent application for the “Emergency interest-free scholarship for improving reception environment for distance learning” is allowed; however, the free lending of communication equipment and the loan scholarship for costs related to communication equipment are not available at the same time.
The number of available routers is limited. Please note that this initiative is for students who for financial reasons are unable to set up an internet environment and cannot use internet at home, or for students with extremely low available communication limit.
In case of a large number of applicants, priority will be given to those who are deemed to have the highest need, taking into consideration factors such as tuition exemption application status or scholarship application status; for the rest, decision will be made by lottery.

◆申請期間 Application period
令和2年4月28日(火)~ 5月8日(金)17時 → 9月23日(水)17時 ※ 申請期間を延長しました。
April 28(Tue)~ May 8 (Fri) 17:00 → September 23 (Wed) 17:00 *The application period has been extended.

◆募集要項 Application Guidelines

◆申請フォーム Application Form
Apply within the application period using the following Application Form.
?申請フォーム / Application Form

? E-mail: shogaku[at]jim.kit.ac.jp([at]を@に変換してください)