On May 14, 2024, Prof. Dr. Bannakij Lojanapiwat, Dean of Faculty of Medicine in Chiang Mai University, Thailand visited KIT. Since the conclusion of the KIT-CMU Academic Exchange Agreement in 2005, the two universities have continued to cooperate closely, establishing a Joint Master’s Degree Program in Architecture and have been active in joint research and student exchange with the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Science.
Dean Lojanapiwat had a positive exchange of views on potential future cooperation in individual meetings with Assoc. Profs. Siriaraya and Fukuzawa of the Faculty of Information and Human Sciences and Assoc. Prof. Yoshida of the Faculty of Applied Biology. Furthermore, during the meeting with Prof. Horiuchi (Trustee and Vice President for Education and Admissions) and Prof. Nomura (Assistant to the President for medical-engineering collaboration), they agreed to maintain cordial relations and reaffirmed their willingness to actively consider cooperation in other fields, such as a medical-engineering collaboration, leveraging their respective strengths.
From the left: Prof. Nomura,
Trustee and Vice President Horiuchi,
Dean Lojanapiwat,
International Affairs Office Director Setoguchi
Online meeting with Assoc. Prof. Siriaraya
At Assoc. Prof. Fukuzawa’s laboratory
At Assoc. Prof. Yoshida’s laboratory