令和6年3月18日~19日、KIT-ASEAN Joint Symposium 2024を本学15号館において対面とオンラインのハイフレックス形式で開催しました。本シンポジウムは、平成14年から実施してきた日越セミナーの後継事業であり、今回で20回目となります。
本シンポジウムを含む、日本、ベトナム、タイ、カンボジアの4ヶ国間の研究交流ネットワークを強化する取組みは、平成30年度に続き、日本学術振興会(JSPS)の令和5年度研究拠点形成事業(Core-to-Core Program)に採択(令和5年度~令和7年度)されています。
吉本昌広理事?副学長による開会挨拶の後、在大阪ベトナム社会主義共和国総領事館Tran Thanh Thung領事による来賓挨拶があり、その後、京都大学生命科学研究科の南璡旼准教授による基調講演「Extracellular communication mediated by secretory factors in tumor microenvironment」が行われ、参加者たちは熱心に耳を傾けていました。
The KIT-ASEAN Joint Symposium 2024 was held on March 18-19, 2024, at KIT Building No. 15 in a high-flex format (face-to-face and online). This symposium is the successor to the Japan-Vietnam Seminar, which has been held since 2002, and is now in its 21st year. We have strengthened the research exchange network between Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia.
Following FY 2008, our efforts have been selected by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) as a Core-to-Core Program for FY 2023 (FY 2023-FY 2025).
This time, 14 researchers from 9 institutions in Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia were invited to KIT, and 120 people (24 from Japan, 76 from Vietnam, 12 from Thailand, and 8 from Cambodia) participated including online participants.
After opening address by Prof. YOSHIMOTO Masahiro, Trustee and Vice-President of KIT, Consul Mr. Tran Thanh Thung of the Consulate General of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Osaka delivered a guest speech, which was followed by a keynote speech on “Extracellular communication mediated by secretory factors in tumor microenvironment” by Assoc. Prof. Jin-Min Nam of the Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University. The participants listened attentively to the lecture.
After that, a total of 51 research presentations were made in the three fields of biotechnology, chemistry, and information technology, and active discussions were held, utilizing the network that has been established over the past 20 years, bringing the event to a successful conclusion.
The symposium is scheduled to be held in Thailand in FY 2024 and in Vietnam in FY 2025.