9月26日 OPEN TECHシンポジウム『One Step towards Understanding Life through the Lens of Science and Engineering Knowledge』のお知らせ- 終了しました –

 2023年9月26日に、機械工学系 山川 勝史 教授、小林 祐生 助教が、イギリスのラフバラー大学より Minsuok Kim 講師 をお招きし、学生を含む若手研究者を対象に工学者としてのステップアップとなるOPEN TECHシンポジウムを開催いたします。

 On September 26, 2023, Our Top Global University Project at Kyoto Institute of Technology has been working on a variety of programs stressing the importance of domestic and international educational research exchange. Professor Masashi Yamakawa and Assistant Professor Yusei Kobayashi of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering has invited Dr. Minsuok Kim from Loughborough University in UK to hold an OPEN TECH symposium for young researchers, including students, to step up as engineers.
 We look forward to your participation.

場 所:京都工芸繊維大学 13号館 4階多目的室
  宛先:京都工芸繊維大学国際課総務係 techleader@jim.kit.ac.jp
Date:17:00~18:00, Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Venue:Multi-Purpose Room, 4th floor Bldg.13 at Kyoto Institute of Technology
Registration:To participate from off campus, just send your name and the number of participants to International Project Administration at Kyoto Institute of Technology, techleader@jim.kit.ac.jp

演 題/Topics:One Step towards Understanding Life through the Lens of Science and Engineering Knowledge
        未来への更なる一歩 – 科学と工学の知識を通して見える生命と人生 –
講演者/Speaker:Dr. Minsuok Kim
         ラフバラー大学 講師
         Lecturer, Loughborough University, UK

※本講演は英語で行います。*This lecture will be given in English.


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