For Current Students

If you are a KIT alumni, see Certificates (for former students).

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Certificate Issue  For Current Students:

Degree students can obtain academic certificates in Japanese and Certificates for Discount Travel Tickets for Students at the Automatic Certificate Dispenser at Educational Affairs. Certificates written in English and certificates for non-degree students are issued at International Affairs (Bld. 3). Fill out a certificate application form (PDF) and submit it to the KIT International Affairs office.

The following chart shows how long it takes for each certificate to be issued:

Student Category Name of Certificate Days Required
Japanese English
for Degree Students Certificate of Enrollment Same day* 7 to 10 days
University Transcript Same day*
Anticipated Graduation/Completion Certificate Same day*
Undergraduate Graduation Certificate Certificate of Completion 1 week
Certificate of Degree Conferred 1 week
Certificate of Health Same day*
for Research Students Certificate of Enrollment 1 week
Declaration of Research Topic Certificate 1 week
Certificate of Health 3 days**

*can be issued by Automatic Certificate Dispenser at Educational Affairs
**apply at the Health Care Service Center

Certificate of Scholarship (Shogakukin Jukyu-Shomeisho)

This certificate can be obtained at International Affairs. It may be required for an extension of residence status, passport validity extension or when bringing family members to Japan.

Name of Certificate Days Required
Japanese English
Certificate of Monbukagakusho (MEXT) Scholarship 1 week
Certificate of Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students (JASSO)

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