Re: Revision of the Kyoto Institute of Technology Manual on Limiting Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Transmission (5th edition)

Date: June 7, 2022
From: Kiyotaka Morisako,
   KIT President and Director of the Novel Coronavirus Infection Control Task Force
To: Students, Faculty and Staff

Re: Revision of the Kyoto Institute of Technology Manual on Limiting Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Transmission (5th edition)

 The Japanese government’s has revised the mask-use and novel coronavirus preventative measure recommendations in its “Basic Policy on Novel Coronavirus Infection Control Manual.” For its part, Kyoto Prefectural Government has newly issued recommendations, “Preventing the spread of infection while going about your daily life,” which outlines measures for engaging in socioeconomic activities while taking precautions against the spread of infection.
 In light of the above, we have revised the KIT “Manual on Limiting Novel Coronavirus Infection.”
 Students, faculty, and staff are requested to continue to act in accordance with this manual.

  • Major revisions
    Mask-wearing recommendations changed:
       Masks are to be worn as the situation demands .
    Limits on the number of persons at gatherings and events changed:
       There is no longer a restriction on the number of people at events, etc.