In the field of design, we enable students to discover needs from a wide framework, covering changes in society and the global environment, business, and changes in the technological environment, and to create innovative solutions to address such needs based on specialized design skills involving products, graphics, interiors and more. In the field of axiology and curation, we foster student skills in analyzing work and creators of art, design and architecture, exploring bibliographical sources, judging historical and theoretical values through in-depth examination, and writing global-level research theses.
What we undertake in the field of design is more than specialized design research in the unit of the laboratory. To create new value for the future through interdisciplinary cooperation with those from different fields, we provide collaborative project courses in partnership with a wide variety of companies, organizations, research institutes and other entities, thereby striving to foster human resources who can innovate products and services in a larger framework. We offer opportunities for students to experience cross-sectional teamwork on an increasingly large scale in a step-by-step manner, such as the experience of implementing a joint global innovation process in collaboration with overseas companies and participating in cooperative projects in research units under supervision from world-leading designers. By doing so, we help students obtain design direction ability with which they can work in the global arena. Based on this ability, students work on theorization of a new form of design in their doctoral thesis.
In the field of axiology and curation, students give oral presentations on their research themes to other students and faculty members in mock seminars and engage in many discussions, thereby deepening their insight into their research field and at the same time obtaining a high-level of debate skill. Moreover, while preparing a doctoral thesis, students are engaged in curation, which enables students to present their research objects and research findings most effectively, and are obliged to compile a catalogue for that purpose. In a field where visual elements are influential, if students present their achievements in the form of a catalogue, it will lead them to obtain the capability to see their research objectively and disseminate their research results extensively. This is a significant training program in terms of both the degree and practice required of future curators.